I managed to do a wee bit of cooking and such yesterday and thought I'd share. Last night I decided to make the delicious grilled fish salad again. But I used a different type of fish this time (the ling cod) and it tasted gross, and too fishy. Then I realized it was full of bones but already broken up on my salad. I am scared of choking on fish bones (I even dreamed last night that I choked on a fish bone - my dreams are very interesting and mysterious).
I had very little other food in the house but managed to make myself a sharp cheddar apple toasted sandwich of deliciousness.

I just sauteed some apple slices and threw them on a mini baguette with a bit of sharp cheddar (and salt and pepper on top). It was awesome and I plan to make more fruit and cheese sandwich combos.

What else did I make?

Delicious cucumber infused vodka! I haven't actually tasted it yet, but I believe it will be delicious. To me summer means sweet fruit infused booze, am I right?
And in animal news, as Ula is in the motherland I am taking over Maude duties for a week and a half. Last night, all the pets were very sweet and charming.

Then I went to bed last night. Maude usually sleeps upstairs with Ula but sleeps in my room downstairs when Ula is gone (I have suggested that Maude sleep on the couch, but she seems uninterested). Because my room is downstairs, it is much closer to the street and the noises that brings. Last night that was a recipe for disaster. All f**king night long Maude whined, barked and growled. I have a memory of myself pleading with her at around 4 a.m. to please shut up. I put her out of my room but it only made her louder. Around 5 a.m. I fell asleep and at 6:45 she pounced on my chest to let me know she was ready for her morning walk. I don't remember the walk exactly except I was in my pajamas stumbling around the neighborhood (didn't even put on a bra or brush my hair). My plan was to take her on the world's shortest walk as I was going to take her home the second she peed. She of course didn't go to the bathroom and just walked around and snacked on grass. I was so tired and angry I started to lose it and screamed "just pee" at her, then she did.
The moral of the story is if you see a homeless looking zombie wandering around NE Killingsworth early in the morning simultaneously yelling and crying at a corgi, sadly it is me. Just avert your eyes.
Oh god, I'm so tired. Good night!