That's my grill. It was put together by the lovely Ben and Kaori. It only took them 3 hours. While they didn't specifically say so, I bet they were really appreciative that I provided them with such an entertaining activity. Otherwise they probably would have been pretty bored. I not only generously gave them a fun project to do, but also cooked them brunch.

I made biscuits and fruit salad. I have never made biscuits from scratch before and I found them both easy and delicious. I also made a leek/mushroom frittata and turkey bacon (which was not crispy enough for Kaori's taste and I was unjustly accused of feeding her raw bacon).
In other news I have my first outdoor 5k next week. Which is exciting, but I've basically stopped "training" and now I only jog about once a week. I think it will most likely end up being terrible but I do think our team t-shirts are adorable!

Wish me luck. I really fucking need it.

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