Look at the way Torque's little paw is wrapped around Joe's little neck...cute, right?
Yesterday Ula and I volunteered with the Multnomah Bar at the Oregon Humane Society. Basically you play with dogs for a bit and then head to the cattery. We played with a couple of dogs, but they weren't interested in playing with balls or being pet as much as they were in smelling pee (not that i'm trying to judge anyone's hobby).
I personally preferred the cattery and will volunteer there again. Basically you sit in a room for a little bit and pet cats. My favorite one was Fluffy Magee a tiny long haired fellow, who was mostly shaven except his head, feet and the end of his tail.

If you or anyone you know is looking for a cat, let me highly recommend Mr. Fluffy Magee. He is made of love (although he was being a bit of a "see you next tuesday" to the other cats, so I might not recommend him if you have other animals).
At the Oregon Humane Society gift shop I purchased a cat toy which is a carrot filled with catnip. The cats love it.

In fact, Torque would like you to not fucking touch his carrot. Thank you very much.
Finally, I have a very important recommendation. If you like blogs, or culture, or movies, or hilarity you will love Kaori's new pop culture blog. Too many movie reviewers are obsessed with things like knowing the name of the film, or the actors in it, or something about the plot. Kaori is a real breath of fresh air. Please encourage her to keep on blogging.
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