Another thing, I discovered is that women of a certain age linger naked in the locker rooms. I have seen a lot of senior citizen nudity this week. It isn't that I'm unaware that there is a bit of nudity while changing (except for me as I'm a never-nude), but why do they have to hang out naked for so long? Where is the healthy sense of body shame? Two disturbing things I witnessed this week: a woman came out of the toilet stalls naked, which is gross, right? Another older woman, naked as the day is long, standing by the mirrors near the sink where you wash your hands, one foot on the ground and the other on the counter, perhaps using the hand dryer to dry her private lady area? I don't know, but it scarred me.
In happier news, I am really enjoying my new Adam Lambert album. My first couple of listens I felt a little "meh" about it. However, in the past two days I have dedicated two work outs and one dog walking session to it and am really starting to enjoy it. My initial favorites are "Strut" and "Fever" ("Fever" being especially ZOMG awesome!!!). I recommend these songs for anyone looking to make an ultimate gay/pop/dance/workout mix.

My favorite lyrics so far go a little something like this "Born with glitter on my face/my baby clothes made of leather and lace/all the girls at the club want to know/ where did all of their pretty boys go?" GENIUS.
For my next post I will return to the topic of Jamaica exploring the important issues of glass bottom jacuzzis and conch salads.
So Kerry, do you where shorts in the shower then, like Tobias in Arrested Development?