Thursday, December 3, 2009


I have decided while in my period of unemployment to dedicate some time to improving myself both physically and intellectually. To this end I intend to work out at least 5 days a week, finish reading Nixonland, and start listening to more pop music.

The working out is going well. Once I go to the gym today I will have gone 4 times this week so far. This means I have gone to the gym more this week than in the previous 12 months combined. Scary, but true.

Nixonland is a 1000 page tome and it is dense as hell. However, I have seen it named on several of the best books of the decade lists and it is about my favorite period in American politics. I decided I would rededicate myself to reading it this morning while waiting for Ula to get some oral surgery done at the dentist's office. I managed to finish about 4 pages of the book as I was distracted by the fact that I just downloaded gmail on my phone and can now email people animal pictures. Emailing on my phone? A success. Reading an important book? Not a success.

However, I am feeling much more accomplished in the world of listening to more pop music. I now actually know what the pop radio stations are in Portland and have them programmed in my car. I have purchased the Adam Lambert album (I love the gays. Plus he had me at simulated fellatio). I anticipate having the Lady Gaga album in a few days and am considering buying the best of Britney Spears collection. Now all I need are some teenage gay boys to hang out with and talk music.

Another goal I intend to meet today is figuring out how to put pictures on this blog (I shall do this once Ula wakes up from her drug induced slumber and teaches me how to work the internet). Then I can start posting some awesome animal and Jamaica trip pictures.

Finally, I would like to thank Suji for an awesome dinner last night and teaching me so much about tolerance. I always thought I was too closed minded to be friends with someone who dislikes "Glee" but actually loves the TV show "Friends", movies starring The Rock and is considering going to see the latest Sandra Bullock movie. You have taught me how to celebrate difference.

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