The reason for my diagnosis? I feel like I have more daily rituals than most people. I drink 3 cups of coffee everyday, 2 in the morning and 1 around 4 p.m. This doesn't ever change despite my schedule, illness or any other factor. I eat dinner at 8 o'clock everyday, again regardless of my schedule or even hunger level. Even if I'm starving at 7, I wait until 8, because that is when dinner is.
I basically try to avoid any happy hours or social events which takes place before 8 o'clock because it messes with the above schedule and therefore I dislike it (obviously cocktail hour starts at the same time as dinner hour - only prostitutes drink before 8). I go to the bathroom when I get to the gym before I work out regardless of whether or not I have to pee, just because it will be on my mind that maybe I should and I won't be able to work out if I don't. I cannot go to sleep if there is anyone else still up in the house. I have to be the last person up, regardless of how tired I am or when I have to get up in the morning. Anyway, these are some of my weird tics - I wonder if other people have these or do I have mild OCD?
Last night for dinner (at 8 p.m., obvs) I made potato pancakes and a chicken apple sausage from New Seasons.

In looking at this meal I probably will not be using it in my portfolio as a food stylist. It just isn't very pretty. However it was tasty in a bland comforting sort of way.
I also did some baking with Ula (such is the tough life of the unemployeds) today. We decided to make a more challenging looking muffin and settled on these ricotta filled muffins from smitten kitchen. I followed the recipe pretty faithfully (minus the fancy cooking tools that she uses and I don't possess). Overall they turned out really well and the texture is perfect.

But if you read the recipe you'll notice that all of the ingredients are pretty mild and this resulted in a tasty but unremarkable muffin. But I really liked the combination of the crispy/nutty top and the ricotta/sour cream in the middle so I'm going to try to make them again with a little tweaking. I'm thinking some orange zest in the filling and some fresh vanilla along with some clove and cinnamon in the batter could make them absolutely delightful. Luckily I have some time in my busy schedule to make them again tomorrow (after I run another 2 miles!).
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